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Latest news from the Working Group Ruschewitz

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  • February 2025: Sean S. Sebastian successfully defended his PhD thesis.
  • July 2024: Ronja Christoffels successfully defended her PhD thesis.
  • April 2024: Tim Mattick was awarded the Klaus Liebrecht Prize for his Master's thesis at the University of Cologne's graduation ceremony. Image: Thorsten Martin
  • September 2023: Dr. Marc Hetzert (formerly of the Ruschewitz working group) was awarded the Wilhelm Klemm Doctoral Prize at the WiFo in Leipzig.
  • June 2023: Dr. Markus Krüger successfully defended his PhD thesis.
  • April 2023: Dr. Christian Tobeck successfully defended his PhD thesis.
  • January 2020: Dr. Heidi A. Schwartz (formerly of the Ruschewitz working group) was awarded the Klaus Liebrecht Prize at the University of Cologne's graduation ceremony. Copyright picture: Thorsten Martin